
ALL THE THINGS ADHD is a podcast started by Lee Skallerup Bessette and Aimée Morrison because they wanted to created a resource for professional women who have been diagnosed later in life with ADHD (like them) and the people who love them and are seeking to better understand them (us).

Lee and Aimée both have PhDs, are both considered professionally successful, and yet embraced their diagnoses that came in their 40s. The podcast will address the stereotypes, stigmas, societal pressures, and systemic forces that shape the narrative around ADHD, as well as practical tips and advice for getting along with ADHD.

They welcome questions and suggestions at allthethingsadhd@gmail.com or on Twitter using the hashtag #allthethingsADHD. But please refrain from mansplaining ADHD to them. Thx.

17 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi,
    I got to your podcast through this Guardian podcast, one of the comments mentioned you : https://www.theguardian.com/society/commentisfree/2020/jan/15/a-new-life-being-diagnosed-with-adhd-in-my-40s-has-given-me-something-quite-magical

    I immediately started listening. I’m not diagnosed (yet?) as I have to figure out how to do this. It’s easier for a child than an adult. As a gen ex woman, who has a degree in English and teaches media studies (!!!) in an Arts institution in Belgium, all you say makes sense. It’s eerie. Thanks for doing this. It’s fun-ny, aha-erlebnis, and touching.
    I end on a technical note: the 1st 4 episodes are not visible in the RSS or in the podcatcher I use.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks for pointing us to the Guardian article! That’s amazing.

      I will check out the problem with the RSS feed.

  2. I’d love to join your podcast if you want to appeal to more diverse audience since I am America and a minority/Hispanic. Although it ain’t much different from y’all POV. But I don’t have a PhD just a masters. 😉

    1. Thanks! We’d love to have you. We’re in a bit of a hiatus right now because life, but I will be reaching out once we’re recording again!

  3. Hey!

    I wanted to thank you guys so so so so much for your podcast. I can’t tell you how much it means to me.

    I also wanted to throw something out there. Just a thought, probably something you know about already, but I’ve been curious for a while whether there’s a link between ADHD and borderline personality disorder. They are terribly similar in many ways.

  4. I was very happy with the podcast. Althought I am a man, maybe not so typical, I could relate to a lot you talked about. Thanks, among other things for helping me explain some of the issues concerning ADHD to those close to me. With kind regards, Bart from the Netherlands.
    PS hoping to hear from you soon!

  5. Thanks so much for making this podcast!
    I’m 40s and have realised that I have adhd too. It’s been a complete revelation to me and your podcast and helped me so much in understanding myself, big love to you, xxxx

  6. Just wanted to drop by and express my gratitude for you and your podcast. I’m a Biomedical Engineer, diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, and was struck by some pretty heavy, kid-on-Christmas-morning-level delight upon listening to just the first few episodes. Nearly everything I’ve heard so far has resonated so hard that I can’t help but think, “I have found my people!” every time I listen in. Thanks for ALL THE THINGS!

  7. I have found my ADHD podcast! I was diagnosed last month at 30 and I am trying to find the line between my learned behaviors and who I am.

    The insight you two provide on the disorder is well spoken and easy to understand. It makes everything click in my head. The structure of the podcast keeps me engaged and any tangent you go on makes me warm inside.

    Thank you for creating this podcast, it has helped me accept my ADHD and myself as one. Keep up the life changing work you two are doing.

  8. Hello! I’m a recent listener!! I’m still in season 2 but I wanted to let y’all know that your show made me feel so seen and heard! I related so much that it made me finally go forward with getting diagnosed after almost 9 years of wondering whether or not I was just imagining things! Being diagnosed brought me so much relief and really recontextualized my entire life. I cannot thank you guys enough!

  9. Hello! I’m a recent listener!! I’m still in season 2 but I wanted to let y’all know that your show made me feel so seen and heard! I related so much that it finally gave me the courage to go forward with getting diagnosed after almost 10 years of wondering whether or not I was just imagining things! Being diagnosed brought me so much relief and recontextualized my life from a place of new found acceptance and compassion. I cannot thank you guys enough!

  10. Thank you do much for this podcast. I finally found people who sound like me and feel like me and I finally can feel that I’m not stupid or a lesser person than everyone else. Just thank you for giving me the words to describe what I feel but never felt were legitimate…

  11. hey, just saw you need a german word- I’m german born and raised, so of you’re still searching, just say the word!
    only last week discovered your podcast (I got diagnosed when I was 48 yo), and instantly fell in love with it. great stuff, thanks!!

  12. hey, just saw you need a german word- I’m german born and raised, so of you’re still searching, just say the word!
    only last week discovered your podcast (I got diagnosed when I was 48 yo), and instantly fell in love with it. great stuff, thanks!!

  13. I loved listening to the podcast and it has helped me enormously. I know there were reasons why you took a break before but wonder if you have decided to stop altogether as you haven’t recorded for a good while. Hope you’re both ok. I am always disappointing when I check and find no more episodes are available.

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